Temp: 53 F'
Relative Humidity: 73%
Dew point: 44°F
Wind: 7 Miles per Hour
Dew point: 44°F
Wind: 7 Miles per Hour
Wind Gust: 0 miles per Hour
Barometric pressure: 29 in.
Heat Index: 53°F
Visibility: 10 miles
UV: 6 out of 16
Barometric pressure: 29 in.
Heat Index: 53°F
Visibility: 10 miles
UV: 6 out of 16
Cloud cover:
"Scattered" Clouds
"Scattered" Clouds
Severe Weather: Other then some pretty intense thunderstorms no notable severe weather
has occurred.
Weather Summery:
Today was actualy a really nice day. It was a little on the chilly side and your jacket was
defiantly needed early this morning, by the late afternoon it was warm enough for shorts
and T-shirts. Because the dew point is 44F while the temp (norm) was 53F i don't suspect
there will be much dew. However, I do think the thunderstorms will continue.
Weather Info gathered here: www.wunderground.com
Picture Found Here
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