Weather For April 3o, 2010
Temp: 65F
Relative Humidity: 82%
Dew point: 60°F
Wind: 2.2 mph
Wind Gust: 0mph
Barometric pressure:
28.67 in
Heat Index: 65.1°F
Visibility: 10 miles
UV: 8 out of 16
Cloud cover:
Scattered Clouds 10000 ft
Severe Weather: Strong Winds all over the country cause massive amounts of damage
- Also some reports of tornados touching down in Kansas.
Weather Summery: The temperature went down again today, though unfortunately for my hair
the humidity went up. It was pretty good weather, though ( like the rest of the week) a jacket
was defiantly needed in the morning. Also instead of clear sky was had scattered clouds at 10000, l
leaving it still a little cool in the afternoon.
Info From
Image from Here.
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